A new normal

A new normal

Welcome to the new normal, defined by digital technologies. As you came across this video, you can already be considered a digital native because only a digital “nerd” can understand some of its bits.

Let’s take a look together at this creative masterpiece.

Don’t worry; it is not a bug in your computer. This beautiful 3D animation of my adaptation with the help of Animated Characters, Photoshop and Illustrator from Adobe is in the right place. This pink dragon just wants to tell you that “human beings do not need to be perfect with digital technologies, but digital technology must be perfect for us”. In other words, this pink dragon looks perfect on the first sign. However, it was programmed wrongly, and it is all right because it signals that some person is learning how to operate this software. Moreover, the quote above is also an elaboration of keeping in mind that digital technologies must always be human-centred – we are the ones in charge.

Do you hear this sound starting with “yep…, that’s me“? And do you recognise it? If yes, you are probably under 30 years old because most of the audience utilising TikTok, from where this song was recently observed, are that age (BusinessofApps, 2021, TikTok, 2021). Do you recognise it and you are over 30 years old? Great! I hope you are doing it for your own digital training and not spying on your kids on social media channels (joke!).

After the pink dragon, there is a sketch of short videos coming from classes during my advanced master’s degree, Digital Humanities, such as Python session with Google Collab and Anaconda (Jupiter notebook), MYSQL, or exploring art techniques by the UV radiation.

Then, of course, the reason for this video is that…

Furthermore, few opinions by clever people never hurt anyone, and it can provide different perspectives from around the world because we live in the Information Age. First, there are more senses experienced thanks to technology; for example, Virtual Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence or recently were released meta gloves that enable you to feel texture and pressure when you touch virtual objects (theverge, 2021). BTW, the background noise is not applause but me eating chips while recording the video.

Second, Australian curricula offers digital training classes because of an immense digital gap (Digital Skills Organisation, 2021). This topic is one of the most urgent because digital up-skilling, re-skilling and vocational training are necessary aspects for keeping track of the world’s development (Zamecnikova, 2021). If our country falls behind with digital training, there can be a rise in the unemployment rate.

The third is my favourite; how better can you identify digital humanities than – Wikipedia? I think it can be claimed that everybody who has access to the internet uses Wikipedia as a source of knowledge, even though it is recognised as an unreliable source, especially for researchers (statista, 2021). Everybody is using it, but nobody is speaking about it. Why?

Fourth, my background in political science was pleased to see Elon Musk dancing on Rasputin song. Although I would like to say that innovations, where we can also find digital technologies, are borderless, the three most innovative counties of 2021 are Switzerland, Sweden, and the United States of America (WIPO, 2021). As politics is one of the aspects that to some extent is restricting innovations (because of ideologies, competitions, etc.), can you imagine the boost in the flow if the world would be borderless?

Even though there was an animation at the beginning of this video saying “hi Marie here”, there is now presented a video of real me during a presentation for Information Structures and Implications. Initially, my classmate was speaking there; however, I used VoiceChanger.io (2021) to modify it. This brings us to a darker side of the web and digitalisation because there is never enough cybersecurity if you imagine what data are stored in your computer. And you should really get rid of this obsolete mindset that a password 123456 is enough because “I am not the target of hackers“. Mind your cyber, right now!

During the preparation of this video, I was watching Mr Jeffrey Schnapp video on “How does computer science intersect the humanities?” and I really enjoyed his explanation of how he identifies himself as a scholar of digital humanities, which fit well after having been introduced by my classmate as having a political science background. Now, I am working on being a “knowledge designer“.

Finally, you must know this voice! Yep, the famous English lady of Google Translator is telling you that you should use digital technologies because they are here, available to use immediately. Google Translator is often overused by people, similarly to GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) as well as anything related to Donald Trump (social media missing him to some extent). However, there is nothing wrong with using these tools because they are getting better over time by utilising them. For instance, have you noticed that Google Translator quite enhanced its capacities during the last two years? Czech computer scientist Tomáš Mikolov discovered that language and mathematics are not far from each other, and Google Translator is now using mathematics for translation (Idnes, 2019). Donald Trump also built up his popularity by utilising Twitter (Wikipedia, 2021). And GIFs are just another alternative to emojis.

The video ends with rainbow vomiting dwarf while Google Translator woman tells what you should and should not do “you should use it, not avoid it” – nobody will tell me what to do!

This video was submitted as a project for the Digital Humanities subject at the KU Leuven. This project also suits my interest in digitalisation and the focus of my personal website. This project aims to mirror the reality of digital humanities, and therefore, no academic language was used above because digital humanities are not only about scholars, researchers or academics, right? This project tends to be spread among as many people as possible to support the understanding of digital technologies, digital humanities, and digital training.


Theverge (2021) Meta’s sci-fi haptic glove prototype lets you feel VR objects using air pockets. Available at: https://www.theverge.com/2021/11/16/22782860/meta-facebook-reality-labs-soft-robotics-haptic-glove-prototype

BusinessofApps (2021) TikTok Revenue and Usage Statistics (2021). Available at: https://www.businessofapps.com/data/tik-tok-statistics/

Digital Skills Organisation (2021) Digital Upskilling Australia. Available at: https://digitalskillsorg.com.au

Zamecnikova (2021) Covid-19: Virtual Free Movement of Workers. Available at: https://www.eesc.europa.eu/en/our-work/publications-other-work/publications/covid-19-virtual-free-movement-workers-perspective-european-trade-unions

WIPO (2021) Global Innovation Index 2021. Available at: https://www.wipo.int/edocs/pubdocs/en/wipo_pub_gii_2021.pdf

VoiceChanger.io (2021) Voice Changer. Available at: https://voicechanger.io

Idnes (2019) Naučil překládat Google, teď pracuje na umělé inteligenci pro Facebook. Available at: https://www.idnes.cz/zpravy/domaci/google-facebook-microsoft-zuckerberg-translator-vedec-cech-mikolov-tomas.A181211_141650_domaci_brzy

Statista (2021) Worldwide visits to Wikipedia.org from January to June 2021 Available at: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1259907/wikipedia-website-traffic/

TikTok (2021) Yep, that’s me. Available at: https://www.tiktok.com/@sydleedle/video/6829312611729902854?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1&lang=en

Wikipedia (2021) Social media use by Donald Trump. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_media_use_by_Donald_Trump


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